Pro Care's First Year with EVR Fleet Maintenance Program Proves Immensely Successful
February 19, 2014
A year ago Pro Care contracted with Emergency Vehicle Repair Service (EVR) to develop a new holistic fleet maintenance program. The program has been an unqualified success. "We've been thrilled with the quality of service and the consistency of service we've received from EVR," says Kevin Wall, Pro Care's Chief Operating Officer.
Over the course of the last year, Pro Care has realized significant improvements in fleet downtime and overall reliability. Pro Care also has remained well within budget for maintenance expenses. "I'm not overstating things when I say that EVR has revolutionized the way we take care of our trucks. And we're better for it. So are our patients. And our customers."
EVR, based in LaGrange, GA, provides on-site preventive maintenance and repair service for Pro Care's entire fleet of vehicles, including the company's 17 ambulances. In the unlikely event an ambulance fails while in service, EVR will also provide mobile repair services. EVR was founded in 1988 and its employees have over 130 years of experience working on emergency vehicles. They have done warranty and service work for all major ambulance manufacturers and, in addition to being ASE certified, they are all certified ambulance builders and remounters.